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Image shows a child's hand, holding a tablet device. The device's screen displays a graphic of bright blue binary code

East Riding Archives

Digital Archives Access Portal

Welcome to The Digital Archive

East Riding Archives collect and preserve the written heritage of the East Riding of Yorkshire for this and future generations.

On here you can access some of our ‘born digital’ holdings (i.e. original records created electronically) for research on East Yorkshire local history.

More content will be added in due course, but we have over 400,000 physical archives (e.g. paper-based) at the Treasure House in Beverley.  You may find descriptions for some of these in this catalogue.  See our website for details of how to view those items:

Please note:  The quality of some audiovisual recordings may vary depending on the source material.  These items are raw, unedited versions as preserved in the archive.

Use of this resource

The items in this Digital Archive are made available for research for a non-commercial purpose or private study.

For any other intended re-use and/or publication, it is your responsibility to seek appropriate permissions and you must contact us at for advice and assistance.

See our Statement of Use and Takedown Policy for more details on how we make digital collections available.

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