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Contains a survey of milestones within the boundaries of the pre 1974 East Riding of Yorkshire. Includes 35mm colour slides to illustrate the text. The slides were originally stored with other slides in an album known as 'D' album. These were extracted to form the file at DDX982/3 and kept their 'D' numbers. This explains why the numerical sequence is not continuous. The records are arranged according to the individual turnpikes as listed in Kenneth MacMahon's book 'Roads and Turnpike Trusts in Eastern Yorkshire' (East Yorkshire Local History Society, No. 18, 1964). The milestones are listed according to their location along the old turnpike roads. There is an overview at the front of the file which indicates how many milestones are located within each former turnpike area and which ones are classed as 'missing'. Includes milestones located along York to Scarborough road and Beverley (Kexby) to York road. These two roads exceed the boundaries of the present East Riding.


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