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Has heard he was injured and saw his name in the casualty list. Forwards on 'Lid's' letter to him. Has received a letter from 'Roll' who said that he had seen Jack and that he was 'very bad'. Expresses regret he did not receive the box A[da] sent him. Jack is still keeling. Mentions that some keelmen have been taken and that [men] at picture palaces and shows have to show their exemption cards or they get marched off straight away. Thinks Al[b] Verity will get his ticket soon when he is in England. Will try and send another box of things or a trifle. Alice Gillyon sent Jack two lots and he did not receive anything. Asks him to send them a field card soon. Public access copy available on Preservica: (Search 'DDX2001/5')

nd. [c.1916]

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