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This recording was made in Halsham Church on Sunday 10 Jul 1960. The service was conducted by Mrs Gwen [Poulson], the organist was Miss Mary [Boynton]. Children taking part included Kathleen Hodges, Brian [Blashill], Barbara Cole, Doreen [Blashill], Clive Cole, Christine Tennison, Elaine Smithson, Maureen Whitelam, Valerie Smithson and Jennifer Tennison. Timing: (01:03) They sing the hymn 'Come, let us join our cheerful songs'. (03:11) Mrs [Poulson] leads the congregation in a prayer of thanks for the anniversary. (05:17) They sing the hymn 'Oh happy band of pilgrims'. (07:36) Recitations, starting with Kathleen Hodges reciting 'Welcome kind friend'. (08:12) 'When I'm a man' Brian [Blashill]. (08:42) 'Jesus ever near' Barbara Cole. (09:11) 'Too wet' Doreen [Blashill]. (10:02) The choir sing 'King of glory, King of peace'. (12:15) The lesson from 'Matthew 5:4' is read by [Kyle Cam]. (14:17) They all sing the hymn 'Tell me the old, old story'. (18:56) Second group of recitations, starting with Christine Tennison reciting 'His spirit'. (19:29) Elaine Smithson 'Ever [sewing]'. (19:53) Maureen [Whitelam] 'For friends'. (20:26) Valerie Smithson 'What I expect'. (21:04) Five scholars sing 'Hymn 864'. (23:44) More recitations, starting with Kathleen Hodges and 'Sunshine after rain'. (24:28) 'Can anyone tell me?' Brian [Blashill]. (25:30) 'When I delight' Doreen [Blashill]. (26:04) Maureen Whitelam recites 'Jesus ever near'. (26:35) The children sing 'Jesus loves me'. (28:55) Jennifer Thompson reads from 'Corinthians 13:1'. (30:41) Christine Tennison gives a reading about Doctor Schweitzer. (31:22) 'My hopes' Elaine Smithson. (31:53) The collection is taken. (33:25) Maureen and Sandra recite 'Good afternoon'. (34:07) Mrs [Poulson] reads the notices. (34:54) Mrs [Poulson] gives the address about St Matthew when he was 'Levi the tax collector'. (41:45) The congregation sings the hymn 'We have an anchor'. (43:50) Mrs [Poulson] says the final prayer. (44:15) The children and choir sing 'How sweet the name of Jesus sounds'. Film and Sound Archive access copy available onsite in the Audio-Visual Room

10 Jul 1960

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